Everything has to start somewhere by Joseph Polex Wolf

Qatar Airways' Finest

Qatar Airways' Finest

In this case, it's with chewy chicken, limp-over cooked vegetables, watery, yet somehow inexplicably lumpy gravy.  Not the first words you'd expect to read on a food blog.  Yet this is what millions of us experience every day at 30,000 feet, starting our own culinary travels.

Three weeks ago, I started a trip bringing me to delicious florentines in Melbourne, exotic blue grenadier fish & chips at sleepy Lake's Entrance on Australia's Bass Strait, Sydney's hottest Thai salad, decadent dim sum in Hong Kong, and fragrant duck rice in an old colonial house in Macau.  More deliciousness on that front to come in the next posts.

Yeah, I might have stuffed my face.  But food is such a big part of travel - translate: life!  Even down to this gloopy oriental slaw on my tray.

So I'm finally starting this blog to share my food adventures.  I hope you'll find it less dry than this baked honey cheese cake!


Somewhere over Cambodia

37,000 feet

The Stratosphere (or near it)